Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Walking with “Shame”...in seek of “Motivation”… in the shadow of “Success”!!!

“Shame”, yes I know her I was walking with her for a couple of months now and didn’t realize who she was until it was too late. “Shame” my friend I thought because she was there through the big break-up, the stressful nights at work, the depressing lonely nights alone in my one bedroom apartment to give me that friendly advice; it’s OK to eat that cake, indulge that ice cream, and that cheeseburger is not going to hurt this time, you deserve it. “Shame” what can I say you were there for me in my time of need but now that “Reality” has knocked on door and told me that I need to look for “Motivation” because “Shame” has helped enough by knocking me 2 steps backwards in result of a 46 pound gain. I’m trying to kick “Shame” to the curb but she is so stubborn, because I’m waiting on “Success” to come back into my life and “Shame” and “Success” are both selfish and I can’t have one with the other so I have to choose between the two and I choose “Success”.

“Reality” what can I say about her…she is not always my best friend but she tells it like it is and points out the facts. At times I hate to see her coming but there is no sugar-coating when she comes. “Reality” pointed out that 40 lb gain, those skinny-legged jeans I wore last summer in the closet that I can’t fit, that muffin top that was almost gone that has returned, and double-chin that’s peeking to come out of hiding. Yep, she knows how to put a girl in her place I must say, she gets the mind wondering (What happen to “Accountability” and where is “Motivation” when you need them?).

“Motivation” left me when I told “Accountability” to back off because I had bigger issues to deal with. Those were my true friends the ones that wanted what was best for “Me” at the end of the day. That’s the difference between “Motivation/Accountability” and “Shame" some are in it for the long run and others for the short walk. So I hit up my old dear friends reality in direction to find “Motivation”, because “Accountability” is always with “Motivation” they go hand-and-hand. The two of them together is one solid team, which will lead me to “SUCCESS”.

So, my “Blogger.com” family can you help find “Motivation”, if you see her before I do can you please tell her, her friend “Creating Kura” is looking for her and miss her dearly! Because it is time for me to gain back control of my life, and say good-bye to “Shame”, find “Motivation”, and say hello to “Accountability” because “Success” will be knocking on my door, so “Reality” can take a break and get some rest. 



  1. Yes! I love this and needed to hear it. I'm so so many people, including myself, can relate. Thank you for sharing.
